Friday, 15 June 2012

Truly Inspirational

Sometimes in live you get inspired. I got my insiration today from a news headline,

This headline is about the story of a 9 year old girl who has been banned from taking pictures of her school dinners. The girl had been photographing and blogging about her school dinners for less than 2 months, and in that time she had got over 2 million views and raised over £2,000 for charity.

Argyll and Bute council, however don't find this inspirational and have deemed that she can no longer photograph her food. All I can say is shame on you. To stem a 9 year olds creativity like this can bring no positives, and I just wanted to blog to share my support for this wonderful project, in the hope that if enough people see it and share it that we could get the council to overturn it's decision.

Here's hoping

Thanks for reading

Inspired from Ipswich.

p.s. you can check out the blog here -

p.p.s. please share this with as many people as possible.

p.p.p.s. if this touches you like it touches me, contact argyll and bute council on this link and let them know -

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Hairy Sausages

It's been a very busy Jubilee bank holiday weekend, firstly I worked 2  of the days in the 4 day weekend. On top of this I had my brother-in-law Daniels 15th Birthday on Saturday, a Jubilee party on Sunday and we were due to go to our friends daughters 2nd birthday party on Monday (unfortunately we didn't make it) and today we had a relaxing day, our plans for the weekend all involved bbq's. Tuesday was my turn to cook the bbq, but after looking at the weather we decided to make it an indoor bbq, so I sparked up the grill amd cooked a feast of salmpn, corn on the cob, burgers, chicken, rice, potatoes, salad and hairy sausages. Yes that's right Hairy Sausages, while cooking the sausages I slipped and dropped them on the floor, I quickly picked them up off the floor, which had been thoroughly cleaned only days before. Our friend Dan then made a joke about hairy sausages, which I dismissed saying 'don't be silly, they'll be fine'. How wrong I was! But apart from that it was a success and at least now I have a speciality dish.

Thanks for reading

From the Hairy BBQ specialist.