Monday, 12 March 2012

There's more than one way to shave a dog!

A very windy night
After dinner Sunday night, pork, roast potatoes & parsnips, carrots, peas, sweetcorn, yorkshire pudding & gravy, I started having terrible stomach pains, this carried on until after I'd gone to bed and was accompanied by lot's of gas, unfortunately for my wife. Between that and the terrible wind blowing around in the garden, knocking over our table and tearing our neighbours bike cover off, I took a long time to get off to sleep.
Signing On!
Despite the fact that I knew that I would be starting my new job this week I still had to Sign On, for the 1st and last time (hopefully), so at 11.30 I wrapped up warm and braved the weather to go to the job centre, I arrived at 11.50 and went to let them know I was there, as my appointment was between 12 & 12.30 I was told I had to wait until 12 before letting them know I was there, how fucking ridiculous, nonetheless I sat down and waited. At 12 I went back to the desk to let them know I was there and was sent to sit in another waiting area, which I could have been sitting in 10 minutes earlier. Bloody bureaucracy. Despite being 10 minutes early I wasn't seen until 12.20 at which point I signed on and signed off and went down in history as the shortest claimant this year.
No good cause.
I got a call late Tuesday and I start my new job next Monday which is a slight problem as I stopped my Job-Seekers claim from Tuesday so will be a week short on my money! D'oh the wife told me I should have waited. I also received a letter telling me that my application to back date my Job-Seekers Allowance had been rejected as I have shown 'No good cause for the delay in applying.' Me and the wife disagree, I ceased my previous job on the 10th February and I was planning to start my application on the following Monday, the 13th. However on the 12th I received a call from my new employer offering me the job. So I decided not to complete the application, my new employer however had some issues with the exiting employee which prevented me from being formally offered the job. I believed that these would be resolved sooner than they were so decided I didn't need to claim, however once it became clear that I would not start this job in time to be paid in March I felt I needed to claim. I did so on the 27th February and completed the section to apply for backdating as I felt I should be entitled to claim from the date I stopped work. This section consisted of 200 characters in which I was supposed to justify why I should get this. To put this in perspective my last sentence was 98 characters, so I wonder if anyone could justify anything in that space. So an appeal will be submitted and an independent tribunal will be held where surely I will have to justify in no more than 50 words why Job-Seekers Allowance Decision-Makers are useless.
25 year old's.
Sorry that should read 20 x 5 year olds. Monday is my nephews 5th birthday so on Saturday Charlotte and I went to his birthday party to act as adult supervision. The party was at a sports centre and was a soft play and bouncy castle party, so adult supervision consisted of bouncing on the bouncy castle and making sure the kids weren't getting bored. As I said it was a 5 year old's birthday party and all of his friends were 5 or below and there were about 15 of them in the end. After the food Charlotte, my sister Niki & I were creating circuits for the children, they had to go over the bouncy mountain, weave around the bouncy trees and go through the bouncy tunnel, it was at this point I made a friend. A little girl named Freya, one of Samuel's friends younger sisters, took a shine to me and would only go over the bouncy mountain if I was there to catch her and spent most of the rest of the party shadowing me every where I went. As I was catching and bouncing Freya when she came down the bouncy mountain I felt I should offer it to all the children and before long I had a fan club of 5 and under girls insisting that I catch them despite being able to slide down by themselves, (all the boys declined my offer and went to play elsewhere). My wife found this hilarious and managed to prevent me from relaxing at any time and even at one point tried to trade me for a baby, (who happened to be Freya's younger brother, and very cute). I was not impressed!
There's more than one way to shave a dog!
Actually there's not. Found that out Sunday when we groomed Theo.
Thanks for reading.
From my BlackBerry® smartphone

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