Well actually I am!
What a difference a day makes. For the past 12 weeks and 3 days Charlotte has been pregnant and ever since I found out I have been crapping myself. I don't know why but I keep worrying that something is going to go wrong or that i'm not going to be a good Daddy. But this morning we had our 12 week scan and I now know that no matter what I do, whether I get it right or wrong I am going to be a good Daddy, because I am going to be doing it for our baby. That baby is going to be the most important thing in the world and I am going to do everything in my power to give it the best life and to keep it safe. I know that I can't shelter it from the hazards of the real world, but I can sure as hell prepare it to deal with them. From this day forward, I am the 3rd most important person in the world and I will make every sacrifice I need to to give Charlotte and Burnham the baby bump everything they deserve, although I may not give them everything the desire. It feels so weird, 24 hours ago I was petrified, but now i'm just excited and focused. It feels so good to be able to say this but in 27 1/2 weeks I will be able to stand up and scream from the top of my lungs 'I'm the Daddy' and Charlotte won't be able to tell me off for being arrogant.
Thanks for Reading
From The Daddy!
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